Sophomore Finch leaves it all on the court

Sophomore Finch leaves it all on the court

The Lookout Sports Editor Brodee Gillam recently spoke with LCC sophomore basketball player Kelsey Finch. The Perry graduate averaged 15.9 points in about 21 minutes per game last year, and looks to be a team leader in the 2017-18 season.


What athlete inspires you the most?

"Klarissa Bell from MSU. She was like my big idol when I was little because she was really good when I was in middle school. She was probably my inspiration when I was younger."


Why did you start playing basketball?

"It was my family's sport. My brother, it was his favorite sport and it was just how I grew up."


What do you want to do after LCC?

"I'm looking to go into pre-med after LCC. Not quite sure yet but obviously I want to play basketball somewhere, so we'll see where that takes me. I'm hoping to get a little bit of both (education and basketball)."


What is your most memorable moment playing basketball?

"My senior year we won the league."


What is your most embarrassing moment?

"One time I got stuffed by a girl that was shorter than me and it made me so mad that I never let that happen again.  My goal is to just stuff everyone else. … That would probably be my most embarrassing moment."


What do you want to take away from your time at LCC?

"I am really excited about this year. This group of girls is really fun and I think we mesh really well with a new coach (Layne Ingram). We work really hard. I guess I'm just really excited how we do. Practices have been harder than last year and I just think we have the potential to be really good this year."


What are your individual and team goals for this season?

"I definitely, as a team, want us to make it to states. Nationals would be (great). Individually, I just want to, after this season is done, feel like there was nothing else I could give into this season."